Política de envío
Shipping Information
Once you have made an order and payment is confirmed, please allow for up to 48 hours for your package to be processed and shipped. Orders due to special events are subject to special event terms and conditions on shipping and handling time and may significantly increase our standard 48 hour processing times. Specific information on shipping times can be found during the check-out process.
Standard shipping rates apply.
Shipping cost and transition time are specified clearly during the check-out process. If you have additional questions, please contact firestartermug@gmail.com.
Out of Stock / Back-ordered
If one or more of the items in your order is out of stock, your order will not ship until all the items ordered are available (applicable to both international and domestic orders). Once your order ships, we will send tracking information shortly thereafter.
Estimated Shipping Time Disclaimer
While we do our best to make sure that every package we send out makes it to its destination on time, sometimes things happen. Guaranteed delivery dates are the responsibility of the carrier. It is also the responsibility of the customer to be present (or have an authorized agent) to sign for a package if necessary.
General Terms:
By purchasing from our web site, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to all terms and conditions. All brands and product names mentioned are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Actual products may have slight aesthetic differences.
Items Damaged During Shipping:
If you receive a damaged item, you must contact us within by email at firestartermug@gmail.com. If you do not contact us within this time period, your damage claim may be denied by the carrier. Customer assumes all responsibility for the damaged item before it is picked up by the corresponding carrier agents